How to registry the check transactions

Not every Country uses Pre-printed Checks. Pre-printed or not is always useful to keep track on them. If using Pre-printed Checks, every Check should be record in the proper worksheet when acquiring a new set of them.

The worksheet provided as columns to place the Check Number, addressee, value, written date, and lift date. By keeping track this way you know if the check is pending and if so for how long. If the addressee doesn't lift the Check this Year, you only have to pass this records to the following administrator.

Canceling an Check

When Canceling an Check don't discard it. Write "CANCELED" in big letters across the check, risk all fields, check as canceled in the respective Check Record, and archive it in your administrative folder.

Following Administration

When the following administrator takes place he can see easily witch Checks were lifted, witch are still in homeowners possession, witch are canceled. He should have the unused Checks as well the Canceled Checks.

Check Record example

Check NumberDateAddresseeValueLift DateDocument NumberCanceled
2133235633 202-12-2008Fix & GO$4003-20-08BI56
2133235634 1

Lift date can be obtain from Deposit Account Statement.