Introduction - HOA management Guide

This guides presents one method of doing the principals bookkeeping and administrative tasks carried out by an Homeowner Association (HOA) Administrator, also designated as Resident Administrator. Naturally there are several ways of doing this tasks, more or less elaborated, more or less time consuming. The proposed method tries to balance the following objectives:

  • Rigour
    The method provides means to validate the work done.
  • Simplicity
    The work is done in a simple and systematic way along the year, making the Closing Accounts task simple.
  • Transparency and Traceability
    The produced results can easily be audit by others.
  • Bookkeeping principles
    In many country's the law doesn't obligate that Homeowners Association to have organized bookkeeping, so this guide approach consist in using some of bookkeeping principles, but not the all mater. Only some of the documents are produced.
  • Easy reading
    Some technical terms of bookkeeping are avoid so documents produced are easy to understand by nonprofessionals.

The Guide starts width the first task of and Resident Administrator: Receiving the Job. Next, passes to the most common administrative tasks like Receiving an Quota, doing payments, recording transactions, ... It ends with the last task of Administrator, witch is presenting the Income Statement to the Homeowners Association Council and propose the Financial Plan for next Year. In each task is described the method proposed and explain the motives why it should be do it that way. Almost every task has a support worksheet, that come with in the spreadsheet provided.

The Documents Archive should be easy to search, so its recommended that every document be numerated and Archived by the same order.

If you follow those guidelines, not only you will do the task with rigor, but also will avoid errors and produce quality consistent documentation. Since this method is documented at this site, the next Administrator will have no trouble to understand your documentation.

 Note: This guide is a generic guide for non professionals. Local law may dictate use of professional services or presentation of special forms.